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Monday, 30 April 2012

Ben Lomond AKA Ben Sparkle

So here we are - another weekend when the north-south divide in the weather means  - for a change - that we are enjoying a weekend of glorious blue skies, snowy mountain tops and, wait for it, sun! While the southern half of Britain cowers under grey skies, torrential rain and gale force winds.
So, an easy day on Saturday with an eye on an early start for our first real Munro, Ben Lomond.
Away from Alloa by 08.00, easy drive to Rowarddenan, parked up in the surprisingly busy carpark and enjoyed our breakfast. NB: car park machines not in use so free to park.
We had studied the maps and routes (not absolutely necessary for such a popular hill) and had decided to make it as circular and go up the rocky ridge way and down the "tourist" path.
We watched a bunch of cyclists strip their bikes and themselves in preparation for the next part of their challenge - a run up the hill. With much shouting encouragement and a few choice words they were off and silence reigned again. 
Changed and ready for the off, we took the much less travelled Ptarmigan ridge route. I was pleasantly surprised at how nicely the well defined path contoured the mountain with zigs and zags when the ground got steep. I recommend ham and cheese sandwiches for breakfast - I got my energy from somewhere and felt very comfortable going steeply up. The views opening up back down Loch Lomond were stunning. We carried on up, playing leapfrog with a group of older gentlemen from the Manchester area, eventually choosing a nice spot for our first coffee break.
View from coffee spot - lovely
 Refreshed, we carried on up until we reached the summit of Ptarmigan, then we had to lose some height (not good) to pick up the ridge and onwards to the base of the cone that forms the slopes leading to the summit of Ben Lomond. It was at this point that we hit the snowline. Gorgeous views across to the Crianlarich hills, the highlands and the mountains of Arran over the sea.

Loch Lomond from much higher up

Under normal circumstances, ie no snow, this would have been an interesting scramble / climb. Today it was certainly interesting! Very steep, old snow, new snow all laced with slippy ice amid a scattering of sharp rocks. Looked lovely but resulted in some raised adrenaline levels to reach the top. As we climbed over the edge of the final slope, it was like entering another world. Many, many people were enjoying the summit and celebrating making it to the top via the tourist path. Surprised a couple of people by almost popping up in the middle of their lunchbox. Much chortling as we took a few photos and left the trig point and the crowds to find somewhere sheltered for our lunch break.

View north east

View back towards home

Out to sea - our route up was along this ridge in the foreground

After a break in the sunshine sheltered from the wind we packed up and started the long slog back down to the car. An easy path with the odd tricky rocky bit thrown in. Not a walk in the park but it seemed to take forever to get back through the forest to the car. 

The plan was to change out of our sweaty walking gear, clean up and eat dinner at the pub in Balmaha. But we were too early for dinner so a quick change, a sit by the loch to drink the welcome cold drink waiting for us in the car and a drive home to revamp our dinner plans.

Home tired but happy with faces glowing with the effect of a touch of the sun.

Oh, The title ? - Everything sparkled today - the rocks, the soil, the snow, the loch. Just beautiful.

Anyway - today (Monday) our architects are meeting with the planners. We wait with bated breath for the outcome. decision should be made by 8 May but we hope to get some idea of what this might be this week.

Meanwhile the world of work awaits to distract me for another week.

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